Oct 18, 2011

More Annie Sloan Chalk Paint fun!

 Okay, Okay---I’m late.  I was supposed to show you my latest ASCP project ages ago.  What can I say?  Life got in the way a little bit.  The past few weekends I have zero time for any projects.  My grass barely got cut!  I thought David the Gnome and his little wife were going to move in my yard soon! 
Also, we’ve had some family medical emergencies.  My grandfather is finishing up radiation this week, and my grandmother broke her hip and had surgery today.  The surgery was a success!  And my father in law fell and broke his nose and rib.  So lots going on medically!  Thankfully everyone is okay and I appreciate all of your kind thoughts and words.  It’s just been a crazy few weeks !
But I DID get my next dresser painted.  I won’t bore you with the long details since you can see the long before and after below.   Here is the dresser before:   talldresserbefore
And here it is after 2 coats of ASCP.  I did the same as last time—sanded it a bit for distressing purposes and then put my same old Johnson’s wax on thinly.   I thought I may have mixed too much water in with the paint as it seemed more runny than the last time I had used it. However, it still covered just as well as the first time.   I also painted our nightstand but totally forgot to take pics!!  Brain freeze!!  I have to say that our bedroom looks so much brighter and pulled together.  talldresserafter1
And to top it off I still have 1/3 of the quart left.  I can hardly believe it.  I’m already planning for my next project, which will be to paint an old dresser in my spare room.  I think I will try mixing the Old White and one of the blue colors together for a pretty turquoise.  The possibilities with this paint are endless!!! I would highly recommend this to anyone, even those who aren’t experienced painters.  Until trying this out, I had only painted walls and one piece of furniture ever.  Now I feel like I can paint anything!  

Linking at:

Transformation Thursday
Furniture Feature Fridays

1 comment:

  1. Love this- I just tried chalk paint too and am painting another project tomorrow! :) Your chest of drawers came out darling~ thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!
